Rocket League LFG

DrunKingan Last online: 03 Nov 2020 To the Profile


Play time:

17:00 - 23:00

lfm gc+ , rotation is not smthg to eat?

About me

Im searching for ranked mates , gc since s9 peak was 1830
avg mmr 1700 , very aktiv

I'm looking for:

I'm looking for ranked mates who know how to rotate , im gc since s9 peak was 1830
avg mmr around 1700, mmr right now 1500. I just cant win with randm mates on this elo who dont know what far post rotation is.

so u are 1500+ u know what far post rotation is, u know that u should defend from inside to outside than add me and lets play :D


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Rocket League Player, Mates