Overwatch LFG

Schmidi Last online: 17 Mär 2021 To the Profile


Play time:

Usually evening in week but besides that pretty open at the weekends.

Looking for comp team (Plat - Dia)

About me

I am playing fps games like CS:GO and Overwatch (mainly rn) for many years already. I am Supreme in CS but now I also want to climb hard in Overwatch where I am stuck in Plat rn. That's why I am looking for a team / people to group up with.

I'm looking for:

I am looking for people to regulary play some games in the evening mosty. I am searching for people who are open for strats and climbing. You should be between 2.5k and 3.2k sr so that there is a certain level of knowledge. Would like to hear something from anyone.


Blizzard Account: Schmidi#21453
Discord Account: Schmidi#3922

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Overwatch Player, Mates