
Last online: 28 Apr 2024
German 18yo looking for Thresh main to hook up with some enemy ADC chicks. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jk. I'm currently S3 on EUW. You can look me up on op.gg. I usually play Support, but also Mid and I'm doing pretty fine as Jinx ADC. I mostly play in the evening and at night. Earlier on weekends. I'm not the one to completely tilt outta the game, but I do like to complain about those so called "noob champs". (Seriously, what Riot did to Nasus was a crime.)


League of Legends: S3 Scrub on EUW lookin fo.. Kallabanana
4 Years
I'm looking for:
Speak German or English with me, because those are basically the only languages I can actually use. I mean, sure, you can also start talking French, but everything youll get as an answer is going to be a mispronounced "Je ne te comprends pas."

Id like you to not tilt too much. Im totally fine if you mess with my eardrums after getting one shot the third time within five minutes, but if I see you running down mid or rage quitting the game, I will have an opinion about that.

Play whatever role and champ you like as long as you know how to do that. I can go supp, mid or adc.

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