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arma Clans, looking for teams Allianzen, Gruppen, Gilden
Community Members
Libertas Legion
We offer:
The Libertas Legion is coming close to its 7 year mark. This small community provides members with a great open and adult environment for gaming and social activities, with members from all over the world and with a variety of games to boot. The LSLN operates under the cuntstitution which prevents admin abuse and restrictive rulings of which we have worked to develop over the years into the best form of it yet! We understand people want to just come on and have fun. Speech and social standings.
The Libertas Legion is coming close to its 7 year mark. This small community provides members with a great open and adult environment for gaming and social activities, with members from all over the world and with a variety of games to boot. The LSLN operates under the cuntstitution which prevents admin abuse and restrictive rulings of which we have worked to develop over the years into the best form of it yet! We understand people want to just come on and have fun. Speech and social standings.
We are looking for:
- 18+
- Be able to take & dish out jokes
- Erotically embrace unrestricted free speech & dark humour
- Have access to Discord and a microphone
- Have a Steam Account
- 18+
- Be able to take & dish out jokes
- Erotically embrace unrestricted free speech & dark humour
- Have access to Discord and a microphone
- Have a Steam Account
arma Player search Search, find teammates
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