Mates, Clans, Crews and Teams Search

Rocket league clans, find Mates in our Team Finder, or Clans successfull Matches in RL. Rocket Teams, Clans Teams, Clans, Players, Teamfind, Team-search. RL is an eSport Game. Find your Team, Player, Duo Mate or Flex Team, Gaming Clans for ESL. Use our Playersearch and Teamfinder functions.


Hier findest du neue Mitspieler, oder auch einen Gegner zum Trainieren und eigentlich auch noch viel mehr. Für mehr Informationen zum Einstieg wähle ob du auf Teamsuche bist oder Spielersuche.

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  2. or and create a good LFG ad

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  1. Click on "Players" (above) to filter and contact players
  2. or and create a good player search ad


Yes! However, you can e.g. switch off our advertising (for a small fee) or upgrade your team directly to level 4 (for a high fee).

Rocket League Clans, looking for teams Allianzen, Gruppen, Gilden

Wintex Sports want you! 3255
Wintex Sports want you! WINTEX SPORTS multigame esports 18+
2 Years
We offer:
Large community with uncomplicated recording
Players who suit you exactly (age, experience...) at any time of the day
Cozy atmosphere, casual gamble
A nice and family community with quick player search
Leading gaming organisation
18+ Community. Children & stress-free zone
No need for activity
Experienced management and professional structure
Teamspeak with its own private channels
... and much more!
We are looking for:
German language
Cozy and friendly personalities
Team players and gaming buddies for exciting hours
PC Gamer
... so exactly you! :-)
"Rocket League Germany" Rocket League Germany
2 Years
We offer:
Rocket League Spieler jeden Alters, die einfach Bock haben Leute kennen zu lernen, die die gleiche Leidenschaft haben. Egal ob competitive, casual oder frestyler eine Gruppe um andere Mitspieler zu finden. Bei uns ist jeder Willkommen

Darüber hinaus veranstalten wir wöchentlich Turniere mit Preisgeldern und bestreiten interne Matches in einer eigenen Liga.
We are looking for:
Hallo zusammen,

wir das Telegram Team "Rocket League Germany" sind auf der Suche nach Mitgliedern. Also wenn auch Du Lust hast Leute kennen zu lernen die gerne Rocket League spielen, Mates für ein 2s oder 3s oder auch für ein Turnier suchst bist Du bei uns genau richtig.

Wir sind ein bunter Mix aus allen Altersklassen und veranstalten regelmäßig Turniere mit Preisen und haben eine eigene Liga.

Worauf wartest Du schau gern vorbei:
Rocket Space is looking for members 3528
Rocket Space is looking for members Rocket Space
3 Years
We offer:
A active rl team and a large community with over 1100 members with scrims every week
We are looking for:
Non toxic people from every rank with good mic and good concentration
Team Orbit is looking for Members 3479
Team Orbit is looking for Members Team Orbit
3 Years
We offer:
- A Discord with a variety of Channels
- A custom Profle picture with your gamertag
- Regular Tournaments
We are looking for:
- At least Champion 1 EU
- Serious about the game
- min 15 y/o
COURAGE E-SPORTS looking for gc+ 3442
3 Years
We offer:
We offer many other teammates of gc and up and we can GARAUNTEE that if you are of gc and up you will compete in some small cash tourneys. As we are new we cant enter the big tourneys as we havent got the required skill levelled players. But hopefully if you join our team You can find some permanent teammates and grind up the ranks
We are looking for:
Grand champion and ssl
L1DE E-Sports search new player!!! 3437
L1DE E-Sports search new player!!! L1DE E-Sports L1DE Games E-Sports
3 Years
We offer:
Our Team is different and friendlier than the others! We have a Tik Tok channel and a professional discord server. Our clan colors are blue and white... how Rocket League. We are Better and not Toxic.
We are looking for:
If you wanr to join our clan, you have to join our discord server and follow the instructions.
FG Esports sucht neue Mitglieder! 3430
FG Esports sucht neue Mitglieder! FG Esports
3 Years
We offer:
FG Esports

Hey, wir sind FG Esports, eine Organisation die mit Rocket League angefangen hat und jetzt als Unternehmen in mehreren Szenen rauskommen möchte.

Dabei bieten wir: - Stream Designs
- Banner, Profilbilder
- Ein Fähiges Admin Team
- Strukturierten Discord
- aktive Spieler
- eigene Events
- Jede menge Support
We are looking for:
Wir suchen: - Aktive Spieler ab Diamond
- Aktive Discord Member
- Mindestalter 14
- Spieler die Aufstiegschancen innerhalb der
Organisation nutzen wollen nutzen wollen
Legacy eSports (RL) Sucht Member 3421
Legacy eSports (RL) Sucht Member Legacy eSports Community 500 Member Main Team
3 Years
Academy Team
We offer:
Ein gut strukturierten Discord Server
Community Discord
freundliche Mitglieder
Reichweite für Content Creator
Main Spieler
Verschiedene Teams
Clan Wars
We are looking for:
Min 14 Jahre alt
Loyalität & Zusammenhalt
Respektvoller Umgang
Geistige Reife
Hohe Aktivität
Gute Spieler
Schlechte Spieler
3 Years
We offer:
We are Mindful Madness. We are a gaming-clan with a friendly community and competitive teams in Rocket League and CSGO.

What we have to offer:
Strong Scrimpartners
We create highlight movies of your best plays
We advertise streamers and content creators
An active discord with more than 400 Users
Experienced coaches
Activity on social media
Community-Events and fun side-projects (ARK, Racing League, etc.)
We are looking for:
Friendly players for our community
If you also have ambitions in the competitive field, you should live up to the following attributes:
Joy for the game you are playing.
SLACE eSports sucht... 3406
SLACE eSports sucht... SLACE eSports rl clan orga
3 Years
We offer:
Wir möchten einen Clan repräsentieren der nette Leute hatte, Spaß hat und langsam größer wird. Es muss nicht unbedingt Professionell sein, sondern es geht eher um das Gefühl wie eine Familie zu sein innerhalb des Clans.
We are looking for:
Unterstützung jeglicher Form
nette Leute
Promo für CC
Sponsoren für Finanzierungen

Nette Leute
Talentierte Spieler
Spieler jeglicher Plattform
Spieler, dich sich fördern lassen

Ryzing Gaming e.V. recruit! Rocket League 101
Ryzing Gaming e.V. recruit! Rocket League Ryzing Gaming e.V.
We offer:
We are a german Esports Organization!

- Homepage
- Teamspeak
- Official Iphone App
- Official Android App
- Firefox & Thunderbird Clan Banner
- Steam-Groups
- WhatsApp-Groups for each Section
- Discord Groups
- Competitive and Casual Gaming !
- We own 15 Counterstrike : GO Trainings Clan Server!!
We are looking for:
- At least 18 Years old!
- Having fun
- The use of our Teamspeak Server
- No Cheats (VAC Bann etc.)
- Teamplayer
- Accepts criticism
Dark9 eSports sucht dich! 3405
Dark9 eSports sucht dich! Dark9 eSports
3 Years
We offer:
- Ein erfahrenes Server-Team!
- aktives Managment, sowie Admin Team
- Eine nette Community!
- Einen geordneten Teamspeak- und Discord-Server!
- kompetente und erfahrene Leader!
- Euere Verbesserungsvorschläge, Ideen und Wünsche bestmöglich umzusetzen
- regelmäßige Trainings
- Chance ein Team zu gründen oder beizutreten
- Unterstützung eures Teams
- Eigene Teamchannel
- Interne Clan Wars zur Vorbereitung auf Turniere

We are looking for:
- mind. 16 Jahre
- mind. Champion 1
- geistige Reife
- Eine aktive Teilnahme am Community Leben
- Ein faires und sportliches Verhalten ist ein Muss!
- Erfahrung in anderen Spiel-Ligen ist erwünscht.
- Teamgeist und Teambereitschaft
- Bereitschaft zum regelmäßigen Training
- ehrgeizige und motivierte Spieler, die den Willen haben sich zu verbessern

Honey Money is searching Player from GER 3343
Honey Money is searching Player from GER Honey Money eSports
4 Years
We offer:
Honey Money ist eine professionelle eSports Organisation, welche in Ligen und Turnieren vertreten sein wird.
We are looking for:
Wir suchen Spieler die Champ oder GC+ spielen.
DieTurboDullis - RL Community! 2941
DieTurboDullis - RL Community! DieTurboDullis
4 Years
We offer:
We are a small Rocket League community that is always trying to grow to find the right team for every player.

On our Discord Server you have the possibility to find the right mates to play with.
You can also promote your own RL tournaments and leagues. Every User on our Discord server can see your advertisement and might contact you for a spot.

We offer among other things our own Discord Server with the latest Rocket League news, text and voice channels to communicate and play together.
We are looking for:
Everything we expect is written in the rules on our discord server.
But the most important thing is that you should behave respectfully in the community, but without losing the fun.

Rocket League Player search Search, find teammates

Searching for young rocket league players (13-15) Lukesky173
1 Year
About me
Search for 13-15 Jears old rocket league gamers to play with me!
I'm looking for:
Im looking for some rocket leauge players between 13 and 15 years. I dont care about the goodness from the players.
Dia II is looking for some Mates to hit Champ Juligamer
1 Year
About me
I am 14 years old and would like to hit champ with you. SEE YOU!
I'm looking for:
All Mates at Diamond
Suche ein RL Team + Coaching seuro
1 Year
About me
Jo was geht

Kann jeden tag zocken

Mein Dc : benel#0777

I'm looking for:
Was geht leude von heute

Suche ein aktives RL Team

bin 15 aber werde bald 16 jahre alt und spiele im C1 breich

Ich würde mich freuen wenn ich von einem team aufgenommen werde und coaching bekomme.

Freue mich auf jede Nachricht :D
LFG or LFM DIA 1/2+ for 2on2, 3on3 Argos
3 Years
About me
Playing Rocket League and searching for mates or a team to join.

skill level dia1/2 with rnds. (2on2, 3on3)

german / english
I'm looking for:
Playing Rocket League and searching for mates or a team to join.

skill level dia1/2 with rnds. (2on2, 3on3)

german / english
Platin Spieler sucht Mates JagdMAISter
3 Years
About me
German Rocket League Player, 27.
I'm looking for:
Servus, ich bin 27 und suche Mates in Rocket League für 3v3 oder 2v2 ranked. Bin 3v3 Plat 1 und 2v2 Plat 3/Dia 1.

Am besten Leute mit denen man Spaß haben kann, die das Spiel aber trotzdem ernst nehmen.
looking for new mates GumGumGenna
3 Years
About me
Hi, Suche einen Clan/Team: zocke eig. im gc Bereich aber momentan c3.

Spielstil: unterschiedlich. Aber eher auf Pressing

Ich weiß kurz und knapp. Aber ich möchte ein Team, dass auch das Ziel hat besser zu werden. Statt immer zu meckern, sollte man auch seine Fehler sehen. Ca 600+ Std Spielzeit.

I'm looking for:
Hi, looking for a clan / team: gamble in the GC area but currently C3.

Game style: different. But more on pressing

I know in a nutshell. But I want a team that also aims to get better. Instead of always complaining, you should also see your mistakes. Approx. 600+ hours of playtime
Dia 1 looking for 2vs2 mate, german, 15 years DQUIS00
3 Years
About me
Looking dor Dia 1 2vs2 mate. 15 years old, german
I'm looking for:
Just a mate who can teach me get champ and get better
Gold / Plat is looking for mates omaogi
3 Years
About me
Ich bin Patrick, 21 Jahre alt und suchte Leute die Rocket League zocken.
Spiele seit ca 2 Wochen und bin Gold/Plat
IGN: oma-ogi
I'm looking for:
Best with Discord or TS but also possible without.
Diamond 3 in 3v3
3 Years
About me
I am 17 years old looking for at team on Rocket league. I am lokking for a team that isnt toxic/ mean to others i am diamond 3 in 3v3 and 2v2
I'm looking for:
Looking for a team that isnt toxic
Dia 2 (deutsch) Danzerous
3 Years
About me
Bin 15 und ein aktiver Rl (d2) und Tm (ca. top 2k in campaign) spieler und suche für beides spieler (müsst nicht beides spielen). Bei interesse schreibt mir per DC: Danzerous#2540
I'm looking for:
looking for a slide for ranked or simply casual.
I am 15 years old and actively play rocket league.
Supersonic Legend LFT eXtr3mer
3 Years
About me
RL hours : 5k

Peak: 2k

GC: 8-14
SSL: 1-2
I'm looking for:
Team to play tournaments/ rankeds etc..
C2 LF Team Lombax
3 Years
About me
17 y/o boy from Germany.
I'm looking for:
Id like to join a team which is looking for competitive players.
2v2 - Champ 2
3v3 - Champ 1
Dia 1 looking for 2vs2 mate Chaosgamer07
3 Years
About me
Im germsn and 13 years old
I'm looking for:
You have to be german
Looking for a Clan Vortiorti
3 Years
About me
i play Fortnite since season 2 and i think im a very good player and i love to play tournements its so much fun when i lose im not giving up i stand up and play again and again since im a pro player
Im From Germany
I'm looking for:
Im looking for a rl team who is in competitive
looking for team
3 Years
About me
hey im a c2 (in 2s) and looking for a team to cooperate with

i can-
play 3+ hrs a day,
chase balls down,
play with stuggling tmm8s.

hopefully i go to yours expectations,
have a swell day
I'm looking for:
im a c2 player but has peaked to c3
Dia 1 suche nach 2vs2 und 3vs3 Mates Paddy
3 Years
About me
Bin 14 Jahre alt. Bin Dia 1 und suche nach Mates für 2vs2 und 3vs3
I'm looking for:
Such nach Mates für 2vs2 und 3vs3
Looking for good teammate for 2s Moi
3 Years
About me
I have pro skillman
I'm looking for:
Be good and not toxic
Looking for Gc mate CaptainAsshole
3 Years
About me
I have been playing rocket league since 2016.
Iam 17 years old
Iam looking for some teammates for 2v2 and 3v3 at gc elo.
Iam gc since season 11
I'm looking for:
Iam looking for Grand Champion teammates to grind 2v2 and 3v3. I am Grand champion since season 11 and my highest peak was 1680 in season 14 so far. If you are interestet to play with me, just send me a message on Discord.
lfm gc+ , rotation is not smthg to eat? DrunKingan
3 Years
About me
Im searching for ranked mates , gc since s9 peak was 1830
avg mmr 1700 , very aktiv
I'm looking for:
Im looking for ranked mates who know how to rotate , im gc since s9 peak was 1830
avg mmr around 1700, mmr right now 1500. I just cant win with randm mates on this elo who dont know what far post rotation is.

so u are 1500+ u know what far post rotation is, u know that u should defend from inside to outside than add me and lets play :D
1700+ looking for Team or Clan Kiremi
4 Years
About me
- player since the start of rocket league
- 7000 hrs
- 19 years old
- relaxed player
I'm looking for:
I have been playing since the publication of Rocket League. I had some ups and downs and some seasons where I have not played at all. I am 19 years old and a player around 1700-1800 MMR. Currently I am looking for a team or a clan with ONLY GCs. Just add me on Steam if you are interested in me.
Mate wanted / clan wanted EinRobims
4 Years
About me
- 19 Jahre alt
- Platinspieler
- Kritikfähig
- Discord/Teamspeak inkl. Mikro vorhanden
- derzeit knapp 300 Spielstunden (früher Ps4 ca 1000 h)

Bei Fragen einfach anschreiben
I'm looking for:

- Mate / s for 2vs2 or 3vs3 at platinum level
- Teamspeak or Discord with mic
- Critical
- at least 14


- larger clan with coaches
- own team peak
- Active community
- Experience eSports area
High experienced Rocket League Player
4 Years
About me
I got much experience on Rocket League wich means I got about 1.4k hours on it and searching for other players to do some Passing-Plays and aerial shots. I got Champ niveau and now I am at diamond elo. Text me and english agreement is possible for me over discord :)
I'm looking for:
I am looking for active, international and friendly Rocket League players who are keen on "passing plays" and aerial shots. The level should be at least Champ and the goal is Champ 2 or 3 in 2vs2 !! :)
Looking for nice active mates who can sometimes lose !! haNs
4 Years
About me
Hallo )
Ich heiße Christian und suche nette mates die zwischen C1-C3 sind. Ich spiele recht aktiv und leider nur oft mit randoms.. das macht auf dauer einfach kein Spaß!

Gerne würde ich auch im Team spielen.

Ich habe 1000+ Stunden und spiele selbst zwischen C1-C3.. Die meiste Zeit verbringe ich in C2.

Der Spaß sollte im Vordergrund stehen.. ich habe keine Lust auf rage kiddos :) Also wenn du dich angesprochen fühlst, dann bitte melden.
I'm looking for:

Ich suche aktive Spieler die zwischen C1 und C3 sind und gerne mehr erreichen wollen. Mir geht es hauptsächlich um den Spaß, ich kann kritik vertragen und auch gerne mal verlieren. Ich suche also Spieler die nicht gleich den Server leaven nur weil man mal verliert.

C3 solo duo looking for a 3s Team Broak
4 Years
About me
I am 20years old and searching for an RL Team to hook me up.
I have been playing Rocket League for some time now, and never tried to be competitive with a team caused by me never having a team. Through solo queuing, I have just played duos for a longer period of time, so my 3s rank does not match up with my duo rank (C1 to C3)
Hook me up if ur search a nice mate, who can get competitive but has fun as well.
I'm looking for:
Looking for a fun competitive team which grinds and is trying to get better bit by bit
Search group / team for Ranked - Diamant BoingShadow
About me
I'm looking for:
Im looking for ranked teammate Diamant +.

I: diamond 1-4

Im online every day and Im looking for someone who wants to play Champion with me.