Clans / teams looking for players

[FZ] looking for member 3434
[FZ] looking for member
Desktop Computer
FZ Freie Zocker
We offer:
This is what you can expect from us:

- Average age from about 21 years to 64 years
- Fun
- Homepage
- Teamspeak Server
- - 2x Battlefield 4 game servers, 24 slot Conquest and 24 slot hardcore servers.
- no mandatory clan fee

On Steam:
We are looking for:
We are still looking for Battlefield players up to 66 years of age :-)
Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War ,Cod Vanguard are also played with us.
So if you want to gamble with us, you are welcome to come to us at Ts3, IP:
Kalte Hände Gaming (KHG) sucht IGL! 3544
Kalte Hände Gaming (KHG) sucht IGL!
Desktop Computer
Kalte Hände Gaming KHG 18+ esports 99dmg
3544 Kalte Hände Gaming (KHG) sucht IGL! 3544
2 Years
no org
We offer:
Wir bieten dir eine Familiäre Atmosphäre, Teamgeist und Motivation! Wir möchten, dass sich jeder im Team wohlfühlt und seinen Platz finden kann. Wir sind alle strikt non-toxic, Teammates flamen hat bei uns keinen Platz. Sich nach dem Spiel Fehler anzusehen und sich gegenseitig konstruktiv zu kritisieren ist wichtig und erwünscht, aber im Spiel muss sich jeder Spieler wohlfühlen, sonst funktioniert nichts! Unser Ziel ist es auf Langzeit zusammenzubleiben und sich als Einheit weiterzuentwickeln!
We are looking for:
Wir suchen nach einem IGL, der bestenfalls ein Stratbook/feste Gos und Callouts mit sich bringt, die nötige Motivation und Geduld die man für ein neueres Team braucht hat und viel Erfahrung hat!
Performance darf auch etwas hinterherhinken im Vergleich zum restlichen Team, wenn es Resultate gibt, aber du solltest mindestens Faceit Lvl 7 sein und 4k+ Stunden haben! Wir sind alle zwischen 18 und 20 Jahre alt, also wär es gut, wenn das bei dir ähnlich ist :D Ausnahmen kann es natürlich geben!
Legacy 7 eSports is looking for a team 3543
Legacy 7 eSports is looking for a team
Desktop Computer
Legacy 7 eSports dedicated esports professionell
3543 Legacy 7 eSports is looking for a team 3543
2 Years
We offer:
Hello everyone,
Legacy 7 eSports is looking for players for our newly founded organisation. Our experience in e-Sports spans over 10 years.
Weve been part of teams such as: ESC Gaming, SNOGARD Dragons, myRevenge, KILLERFISH eSport, Fragster, gosugamers, readmore and many more

We offer:
- Professional management
- Game Server
- Teamspeak/Discord Server
- Livestream on Twitch
- Website (under construction)
- Founding of an official association is in progress
We are looking for:
- A complete team or single players who are willing to build a team
- Determination
- Independence
- 16 or older
- Face IT Level 9+
- Mature and appropriate behaviour
- No VAC Ban LF VALORANT Athletes 3541 LF VALORANT Athletes
Desktop Computer
3541 LF VALORANT Athletes 3541
2 Years
We offer:
Semi-professional Esports
Management department with many years of Esports experience
Team Manager
Player contract
Bonus program (payout)
Discord (public) as well as TeamSpeak (only for the athletes)
As we are still a young organization with a lot of motivation and experience through other projects, we are open to options we can offer you if they are realistic.
We are looking for:
We are looking for athletes which would like to play under the flag of in the DACH region.

DACH players only
Initiator (Flasher and Fade) high priority.
Proficient in Flasher Agents and Fade

Minimum Requirements:
Immortal 3+ / Radiant (peak)
Resident in Germany, Austria or Switzerland
At least 18 years old
Experience in various tournaments and teams (Project V, VRC, VCT, etc.)
Motivational drive to always push yourself and the team forward
Xtreme Games 3542
Xtreme Games
Desktop Computer
Xtreme Games
3542 Xtreme Games 3542
2 Years
We offer:
What do we offer?
- Coaching
- Training
- Team Management
- Recruitment
- Mature staff
- Amazing community
- Tournaments
- A lot of fun
- Events
We are looking for:
Players in all different ranks and age
Call of Duty division 3350
Call of Duty division
Desktop Computer
Seismic Gaming
3350 Call of Duty division 3350
2 Years
We offer:
We offer a highly-active COD division where players of any level can come and play Warzone and Multiplayer. We have 2-3 weekly events and bi-monthly in-clan tournaments.
We are looking for:
We are looking for players of any skill level who want to play to have fun, whether winning or losing.
Cloud9 EU 3380
Cloud9 EU
Desktop Computer
Cloud9 EU
3380 Cloud9 EU 3380
2 Years
We offer:
players play every day mm ready practice mb more later
We are looking for:
im looking for - rifler,igl ,entry frager and lurker.
Increase Gaming LF Valo Player 3502
Increase Gaming LF Valo Player
Desktop Computer
Increase Gaming
3502 Increase Gaming LF Valo Player 3502
2 Years
We offer:
A good structured Discord Server, adversting for your social media and a team that tries the best to become a org
We are looking for:
Players who are at least 13 with minimum ranked on iron 3.
We Need Player  3514
We Need Player
Desktop Computer
CPX e-Sports
3514 We Need Player  3514
2 Years
We offer:
CPX complex is a newly founded team in the gaming area

We offer you:

A friendly and active community.

A professional management team.

Professional appearance.

Activity on social media.

Brand new design for your socials too.
We are looking for:
Any kind of player.
No matter which platform.
Looking for Apex Legends Players 3539
Looking for Apex Legends Players
Desktop Computer
GT Admin Team
We offer:
Your own TeamSpeak
An experienced and competent team
Daily training times
A nice team
Game knowledge
We are looking for:
A minimum age of 15 years
A minimum playing time of 500 hours
Mid. Gold 2
Map knowledge
Little rage
Enjoy the game
Time for training times and ranked games
bTitans Looking for community member 3275
bTitans Looking for community member
Desktop Computer
3275 bTitans Looking for community member 3275
2 Years
We offer:
- A Teamspeak and Discord server
- A friendly and respectful community
- Structured management
- Regular community evenings
- Child-free zone
- Support and promotion of members
- Full support at tournaments /ESL/FACEIT
- The average age of the community is 25 years
- An online shop (jersey, hoodie etc)
We are looking for:
- A minimum age of 18 years
- Spiritual Maturity & Healthy Human Integrity
- Active participation in the community
- No VAC/BattleEye ban or similar
- Ts activity
- no further membership in another clan or community | Organization
- Fun and respectful interaction with other members and players
Wintex Sports want you! 3254
Wintex Sports want you!
Desktop Computer
WINTEX SPORTS multigame esports 18+
3254 Wintex Sports want you! 3254
2 Years
We offer:
Large community with uncomplicated recording
Players who suit you exactly (age, experience...) at any time of the day
Cozy atmosphere, casual gamble
A nice and family community with quick player search
Leading gaming organisation
18+ Community. Children & stress-free zone
No need for activity
Experienced management and professional structure
Teamspeak with its own private channels
... and much more!
We are looking for:
German language
Cozy and friendly personalities
Team players and gaming buddies for exciting hours
PC Gamer
... so exactly you! :-)
Community Members 3538
Community Members
Desktop Computer
Libertas Legion
3538 Community Members 3538
2 Years
We offer:
The Libertas Legion is coming close to its 7 year mark. This small community provides members with a great open and adult environment for gaming and social activities, with members from all over the world and with a variety of games to boot. The LSLN operates under the cuntstitution which prevents admin abuse and restrictive rulings of which we have worked to develop over the years into the best form of it yet! We understand people want to just come on and have fun. Speech and social standings
We are looking for:
- 18+

- Be able to take & dish out jokes

- Erotically embrace unrestricted free speech & dark humour

- Have access to Discord and a microphone

- Have a Steam Account
LFM Among us 3532
LFM Among us
Desktop Computer
Zorro eSports
3532 LFM Among us 3532
2 Years
We offer:
Nice team and so on
We are looking for:
Young players
NoFace Gaming looking for you! 3310
NoFace Gaming looking for you!
Desktop Computer
NoFace Gaming CS:GO casual Esport
We offer:
A variety of internal tournaments
Competent and friendly management
Own homepage, Teamspeakserver and forum
A well thought out ranking system for our members
Experienced ESport coaches and managers
Friendly and competent members through a trained
selection process
Have fun, variety and joy in a family environment
We are looking for:
You are at least 16 years old
You own and use Teamspeak
You speak the German language
You have a Steam account
You dont have a VAC or game BAN
The Maniacs of Gaming are looking for you 3385
The Maniacs of Gaming are looking for you
Maniacs of Gaming
3385 The Maniacs of Gaming are looking for you 3385
3 Years
We offer:
We are a German Multigaming Clan and looking for member to join us.
For further informations check out our homepage
We are looking for:
You have to have WhatsApp for conversation and be older than 15 years.
Read our guidelines first (Homepage).
Desktop Computer
Sancire Esports
3 Years
We offer:
Own professional website
Discord for undisturbed praccs and scrims available
Well-assorted management in the organisation with several strong teams in different games
We are looking for:
Earnings 200+
No Ragen and should be a team player
"Rocket League Germany"
Desktop Computer
Rocket League Germany
3 Years
We offer:
Rocket League Spieler jeden Alters, die einfach Bock haben Leute kennen zu lernen, die die gleiche Leidenschaft haben. Egal ob competitive, casual oder frestyler eine Gruppe um andere Mitspieler zu finden. Bei uns ist jeder Willkommen

Darüber hinaus veranstalten wir wöchentlich Turniere mit Preisgeldern und bestreiten interne Matches in einer eigenen Liga.
We are looking for:
Hallo zusammen,

wir das Telegram Team "Rocket League Germany" sind auf der Suche nach Mitgliedern. Also wenn auch Du Lust hast Leute kennen zu lernen die gerne Rocket League spielen, Mates für ein 2s oder 3s oder auch für ein Turnier suchst bist Du bei uns genau richtig.

Wir sind ein bunter Mix aus allen Altersklassen und veranstalten regelmäßig Turniere mit Preisen und haben eine eigene Liga.

Worauf wartest Du schau gern vorbei:
For players and content creator 3530
For players and content creator
Desktop Computer
Team Iceblister
3530 For players and content creator 3530
3 Years
We offer:
A great community, equal payouts between players from tournaments, POH will organize games and scrims so you can focus on gameplay, Complete equality between genders, creeds, Races and all walks of life. Need urgently 10 players now 3/10 to push team.
We are looking for:
We are looking for players that are:


prior experience in other FPS games

Inviting and can communicate with others

can be there for a minimum of one scrim day and availability on weekends for tournaments or comp games

Desktop Computer
3522 SCUMWORLD 3522
3 Years
We offer:
Several Teams searching active players for PvE and PvP.
We are looking for:
Acitivity not more and not less.
Rocket Space is looking for members 3528
Rocket Space is looking for members
Desktop Computer
Rocket Space
3528 Rocket Space is looking for members 3528
3 Years
We offer:
A active rl team and a large community with over 1100 members with scrims every week
We are looking for:
Non toxic people from every rank with good mic and good concentration
Lyn 3527
Desktop Computer
Lyn streamer deutsch german
3527 Lyn 3527
3 Years
We offer:
einen guten clan
We are looking for:
gute spieler
M4T - M4TERIALS | More than just a clan! 3526
M4T - M4TERIALS | More than just a clan!
Desktop Computer
3526 M4T - M4TERIALS | More than just a clan! 3526
3 Years
We offer:
Our developers are constantly working to get all things ready!

-Many players with good communication and understanding of the game

-Community Servers

-Website + your own M4T Account

-Upcoming Clanfights

-5v5 against each other

-and many other things!

Come in and see for yourself
We are looking for:
You are welcome if you have a

stable internet connection and use a microphone that does not give a background noise!

You behave like an adult and try to put as much effort in winning as in communicating?

Then we need you to make our channels even more full!

All other rules you can find in our Discord server!

Now Or Never
Joining Is Clever
Gaming & Chill search Gamer 3090
Gaming & Chill search Gamer
Desktop Computer
Gaming & Chill discord Gaming valorant
3090 Gaming & Chill search Gamer 3090
3 Years
We offer:
We offer:
an active community
active and competent team
a well structured Discord
friendly and respectful community
Extension opportunities
1000+ members
We are looking for:
Were looking for:
Loyality & Cohesion
Respective handling
A sense of humor
a certain maturity preferably 16+
Fun playing
PENTA Synapsi LF radiant/immortal player! 3425
PENTA Synapsi LF radiant/immortal player!
Desktop Computer
3425 PENTA Synapsi LF radiant/immortal player! 3425
3 Years
We offer:
- 2 fixed trainingdays and 1 flexible day per week
- our own Teamspeak & Discord-Server
- streamingsupport incl. professional PENTA banner and overlays
We are looking for:
Our community-team PENTA synapZis is looking for:
Sova-Main at Immortal+
18+ (no exceptions)
Good microphone and TeamSpeak duty
active and motivated (also during the week)
Experience in the FPS area
spiritual maturity and respectful
Being determined and critical
tactical gamesense and aim and others basic characteristics we presuppose
Octavian eSports looking for Members! 3473
Octavian eSports looking for Members!
Desktop Computer
Octavian eSports
We offer:
Discord und TS3 server
Competent leadership
No empty promises
Organised and targeted training
Fixed training times
Scrims, analytics, coaching
We are looking for:
Players that want to archieve something
16+ (18 prefered)
Not arrogant
Platinum niveau
Junren is looking for an IGL 3518
Junren is looking for an IGL
Desktop Computer
3518 Junren is looking for an IGL 3518
3 Years
We offer:
- Private Discord + Teamspeak
- Private Servers
- Fee payment
- twitch streams in front of 100+ viewers
We are looking for:
Junren is looking for an new IGL who has a team experience, ready for the next ESEA OPEN, have time to practice and wants to improve.

Faceit: Level 8+

Discord & Teamspeak required

Language: English, Magyar

Available Hours: 60+

Age: 15+

Be able to play in front of 100+ twitch viewers.

BLUEPEAK is looking for CS:GO players! 3482
BLUEPEAK is looking for CS:GO players!
Desktop Computer
We offer:
BLUEPEAK provides you an optimally structured environment and the most efficient tools so that you only have to focus on your game!

An in-house user interface with many features for managing teams, organising training schedules and more.
Various game servers with different plug-ins for individual warm-up routines and tools that ensure successfull training sessions.
Discord and TeamSpeak servers.

More info at
We are looking for:
We are looking for motivated players who can demonstrate a professional demeanour and take their esports career seriously.
Awake is searching for Members 3517
Awake is searching for Members
Desktop Computer
Awake eSports
3517 Awake is searching for Members 3517
3 Years
We offer:
We offer a highly structured management, server and more.
We got designer, cutter oder editor for you montage.
We are looking for:
We are looking for Members who are interested in us.
We are a German Team which focuses on the game fortnite.
Odin´s Ravens are looking for DBD members 3515
Odin´s Ravens are looking for DBD members
Desktop Computer
Odins Ravens
3515 Odin´s Ravens are looking for DBD members 3515
3 Years
We offer:
We are a small Community looking for new DBD players, we play other games too, no Ranks required, feel free to Join!
We are looking for:
just be nice!
Apex Legends players Ger/Eng 3513
Apex Legends players Ger/Eng
Desktop Computer
3513 Apex Legends players Ger/Eng 3513
3 Years
We offer:
-Ger/Eng players
-Respect full environment
-Experienceed players
-Fun at the game
We are looking for:
Ger/Eng players
-Experienced players
-Respectful players
-At least 10.000 RP
-1 split master
-At least 16 years old (Depending on the mature)
crownEsports wants you! 3512
crownEsports wants you!
Desktop Computer
crownEsports eSports Team German
3512 crownEsports wants you! 3512
3 Years
We offer:
Were offering a full service of everything.
We are looking for:
Were looking for German players with expierience and also not so expierienced people with a lot of potential.
POH (Players of Honour) [EU] Esports 3510
POH (Players of Honour) [EU] Esports
Desktop Computer
POH (Players of Honour
3510 POH (Players of Honour) [EU] Esports 3510
3 Years
We offer:
A great community, equal payouts between players from tournaments, POH will organise games and scrims so you can focus on gameplay, Complete equality between genders, creeds, Races and all walks of life
We are looking for:
We are looking for players that are:


Diamond and above with prior experience in other FPS games

Inviting and can communicate with others

Has a mic

can be there for a minimum of one scrim day and availability on weekends for tournaments or comp games

Willingness to help build a new esports team and compete on a higher level
FADE Clan / 17+/ CDL / PC 3120
FADE Clan / 17+/ CDL / PC
Desktop Computer
FADE Clan Clan E-sports
We offer:
Serious and respectful players
Ascent possibility in our Clan
Official Website (
Support for all players
Discord server (
Nice and above all helpful admins/mods
Strong competitive team
Very active players
We are looking for:
- Active gamers over 17 y.
- Players who like to play Scrims / CDL
- Casual & professional gamers
- Ambition
- Motivation

1 new member are currently being sought for the main-team in the form of an application and generally for the community:

Requirements for the main team:

Over 17 y.
Activity and interest in our clan
CDL mode experience
min. 100 hours of gaming experience
respectful treatment of other players

Your FADE Clan team.
Team Brave is looking for you 3284
Team Brave is looking for you
Desktop Computer
Team Brave proteam esports multigaming
We offer:
Soon a merch too
Organized management
Social media activity
training sessions
Promotion opportunities
We are looking for:
Social skills & mentality
Minimum age: 12 years old
Loyalty & activity
Train daily (ambitious)
compete in tournaments
Competitive player
Palerus is looking for pro Players 3392
Palerus is looking for pro Players
Desktop Computer
Palerus esports proteam tournament
3392 Palerus is looking for pro Players 3392
3 Years
We offer:
A rebranded esport organisation
We are looking for:
Professional Players, who search for an esport organisation
Players who can play together
Players with hidden potential
Players with at least Platinum III
Players who want to invest their time into our organisation
Overwatch E-sports Team 3457
Overwatch E-sports Team
Desktop Computer
3457 Overwatch E-sports Team 3457
3 Years
We offer:
Various positions in our overwatch team.
We are looking for:
Players whose skill range are from mid plat to low diamond.

Available Roles: 2 Support, 1 DPS , 1 tank
(DM me for info on the current roster)


(No Toxicity) (Age 17+)
R6 CipherElite looking for 2members 3488
R6 CipherElite looking for 2members
Desktop Computer
R6 CipherElite german
3488 R6 CipherElite looking for 2members 3488
3 Years
We offer:
3 Gold people 17-21 that are trying to go way higher but need a good team for that.
We are looking for:
Some german tactical players over 16years old that are good at communication.

Attacker: Hardbreach and Support
Defender: Roamer and smb. like Bandit Kaid or non roamer

silver 1 or higher
We need you! 3486
We need you!
Desktop Computer
Free teams
3486 We need you! 3486
3 Years
We offer:
- frequent scrims around 3 times a week
- a fun and friendly environment
- participation in tournaments in the near future
- coaching
We are looking for:
every rank
SABRE eSports 3485
SABRE eSports
Desktop Computer
SABRE eSports
3485 SABRE eSports 3485
3 Years
We offer:
We Offer An Opportunity For You To Compete In Tournaments
We are looking for:
We Need Atleast Plat 2+ Players. Anyone Below That Will Not Be Able To Compete. We Also Need Team Players
Team looking for OverWatch players 3484
Team looking for OverWatch players
Desktop Computer
Villains esports
3484 Team looking for OverWatch players 3484
3 Years
We offer:
If we think you are good, we will make you apart of the team
We are looking for:
We are looking for competitive overwatch players to join our community
Team Orbit is looking for Members 3479
Team Orbit is looking for Members
Desktop Computer
Team Orbit
3479 Team Orbit is looking for Members 3479
3 Years
We offer:
- A Discord with a variety of Channels
- A custom Profle picture with your gamertag
- Regular Tournaments
We are looking for:
- At least Champion 1 EU
- Serious about the game
- min 15 y/o
Power 11 - German flex team 3466
Power 11 - German flex team
Desktop Computer
Power 11
3466 Power 11 - German flex team 3466
3 Years
We offer:
We offer:
Set practice routine
VOD Review as a team
A Helpful team
Focus on improvement
Climbing/Tournament Team
Organized Discord

Mainly play the lane! We can for sure flex lanes at a time but try to improve your champion pool, or your strongest picks.
Try to get better with us so we can improve as a team, dont be a flex-queue hater!
Speak german!
Focus on improvement (Everyone does mistakes)
We are looking for:
You can be relied on
Listen to others, as well as we will do
Activity (The practice routine might be continued after the set time)
Gold IV - Platinum III
DONT be a smurf!

Current Roster:

Current Practice Routine:
THU | 7pm - 9pm
FRI | 6pm - 8pm
SAT | 1pm - 4pm
SUN | 1pm - 4pm
Nordic Ravens are looking for Members 3364
Nordic Ravens are looking for Members
Desktop Computer
Nordic Ravens
3364 Nordic Ravens are looking for Members 3364
3 Years
We offer:
Were a german multigaming clan, actively playing in Valorant, CS:GO and LOL. Were at the beginning, please be patient while waiting for more teammates, this can take a while depending on the number of people joining!
We are looking for:
Well communicate over our Discord Server
Main Language is German
Beginners and low Elo Players are welcome!
TAW is looking for Overwatch members 3460
TAW is looking for Overwatch members
Desktop Computer
The Art of Warfare international community 16+
3460 TAW is looking for Overwatch members 3460
3 Years
We offer:
We offer:
- An in-house league competition EU only
- Arcade nights with custom made game modes
- Structured teams with training support
- Toxic-free environment
- Community Discord server for LFG and community engagement
We are looking for:
Friendly, open players who like to be part of a bigger community. We have fun both inside and outside of the game, from internal scrims/leagues, to community-wide tournaments.
- Have Teamspeak 3 and working microphone
- Be age 16+
- Be able to attend our main events:
- For EU: Wednesdays and Sundays at 19:00-21:00 GMT
- For NA: Sundays at 20:00-22:00 EST
PoisonFall Call of Duty team 3458
PoisonFall Call of Duty team
Desktop Computer
3458 PoisonFall Call of Duty team 3458
3 Years
We offer:
We can offer a good competitive culture, a learning experience and tournaments
We are looking for:
We are looking for people who wanna join a team and give it their all. Doesnt matter if you have a good amount of experience or just started playing call of duty, everybody will go through a tryout and get evaluated by how you are doing. We wanna grow the team and go out and win tournaments which will hopefully help us grow it more and get us higher up in the ranks. We are looking for both PC players and console players from both NA and Eu
Sesselgeneräle search recruits for CS:GO 3455
Sesselgeneräle search recruits for CS:GO
Desktop Computer
3455 Sesselgeneräle search recruits for CS:GO 3455
3 Years
We offer:
We are young chilled guys and Gold Nova Master Rank, currently trying to get something done
We are looking for:
Friendly chilled Mates who we can call if we need them to play a bit :)
Age: Somewhere around 15 to 19
Rank: Somewhere around Gold Nova to Master Guardian
Desktop Computer
3 Years
We offer:
N3on Multigaming stands for cohesion!

We were founded in 2018 & now maintain more than 700 clan members & over 10000 users. We organize tournaments every week & provide static activity.

Trends come and go ... But N3ON remains!

A well-structured TeamSpeak
Big tournaments with prize money
Lots of friendly team mates
A competent clan team
Professional ESL teams
Internal clan projects
High activity
We are looking for:
Loyalty & cohesion
Respectful treatment
Understanding of humor
Mental maturity
L1DE E-Sports search new player!!! 3437
L1DE E-Sports search new player!!!
Desktop Computer
L1DE E-Sports L1DE Games E-Sports
3437 L1DE E-Sports search new player!!! 3437
3 Years
We offer:
Our Team is different and friendlier than the others! We have a Tik Tok channel and a professional discord server. Our clan colors are blue and white... how Rocket League. We are Better and not Toxic.
We are looking for:
If you wanr to join our clan, you have to join our discord server and follow the instructions.
GSM Team is searching for new Players! 3433
GSM Team is searching for new Players!
Desktop Computer
GSM Gaming
3433 GSM Team is searching for new Players! 3433
4 Years
We offer:
-Nice non toxic pepole that dont scream when they die.
-In the future getting into competetive scene
We are looking for:
-Rank Gold or higher
-Mic Required
-Must be active minimum every second day
-Non toxic
-Willing to take advice & give advice to other players
-Experience would be a plus
-Ok Callouts
-Willing to put .GMS after your name, example: Oexyz.GMS
Toplaner/Support HIGH PLATIN-LOW DIAMOND 3432
Desktop Computer
Team Game Changer
3432 Toplaner/Support HIGH PLATIN-LOW DIAMOND 3432
4 Years
We offer:
We are a luxembourgish official (state respected) eSports organization called Team Game Changer. We offer a chance for you to make yourself a name in the luxembourgish and Benelux eSports Scene. Our League of Legends roster competes every year in the biggest tournaments in Luxembourg and in a few tournaments in Benelux. We practice nearly every day and we are ready to compete with the regions bests.
We are looking for:
We are looking for a new supporter or toplaner. He should be high platinum-low diamond. You should have enough time to practice often. If you dont have any team experience, you will get some! That is not a problem for us.
Stoned Birds is looking for 2+ players 3422
Stoned Birds is looking for 2+ players
Desktop Computer
Stoned Birds
3422 Stoned Birds is looking for 2+ players 3422
4 Years
We offer:
Friendly and active player.
MM and Faceit Grinders.
Well setup Discord Server.

We are looking for:
We are looking for player 16+ that want to play csgo in a Team, want to play on CSGO on a regular basis and are chill and non toxic. Rank should at least be mg.
Team Aqua 3419
Team Aqua
Desktop Computer
Team Aqua
3419 Team Aqua 3419
4 Years
We offer:
We are Team Aqua. (AQ)

Discord link:


We are a team established on December 8th, 2019, with huge potential thats growing daily! At Team Aqua we love competitive play! We have high ambitions to grow our name but most importantly our players names and careers. We aim to be a highly recognized and respected eSports team in the near future. Please do not hesitate to become part of the movement today.
We are looking for:
A Great Community, Contracts, Salaries, 3k+ YouTube Subscribers, 9k+ Twitter Followers, 4.5k+ Discord Members, Team Merchandise, Various Sponsors, Free GFXs For Your Socials, Multiple Ways To Self-Promote, Level 3 Perks In The Team Aqua Discord AND MUCH MORE!
Desktop Computer
4 Years
We offer:
We are Mindful Madness. We are a gaming-clan with a friendly community and competitive teams in Rocket League and CSGO.

What we have to offer:
Strong Scrimpartners
We create highlight movies of your best plays
We advertise streamers and content creators
An active discord with more than 400 Users
Experienced coaches
Activity on social media
Community-Events and fun side-projects (ARK, Racing League, etc.)
We are looking for:
Friendly players for our community
If you also have ambitions in the competitive field, you should live up to the following attributes:
Joy for the game you are playing.
SLACE eSports sucht... 3406
SLACE eSports sucht...
Desktop Computer
SLACE eSports rl clan orga
3406 SLACE eSports sucht... 3406
4 Years
We offer:
Wir möchten einen Clan repräsentieren der nette Leute hatte, Spaß hat und langsam größer wird. Es muss nicht unbedingt Professionell sein, sondern es geht eher um das Gefühl wie eine Familie zu sein innerhalb des Clans.
We are looking for:
Unterstützung jeglicher Form
nette Leute
Promo für CC
Sponsoren für Finanzierungen

Nette Leute
Talentierte Spieler
Spieler jeglicher Plattform
Spieler, dich sich fördern lassen

Ice Force Esports 3408
Ice Force Esports
Desktop Computer
Ice Force Esports
3408 Ice Force Esports 3408
4 Years
We offer:
Weekly Scrims and Coaching
-Constant Feedback in a Competitive Environment
-After Match Reviews and 1 to 1 appraisals
-Team to enter Tournaments with :)
We are looking for:
-No Toxicity
-English Speaking
-Good Communication
-Flexible with hero pool
-Have drive and motivation to improve
-Be available 20-22:00 CET a few days a week
-Active on Discord
OW Xbox Community, the Better Academy 3396
OW Xbox Community, the Better Academy
Better Academy
3396 OW Xbox Community, the Better Academy 3396
4 Years
We offer:
Looking for a place to join a Console Overwatch team? A place you and your friends can make a team and compete in a competitive community? Well then come join the Better Academy!

Hey there, Im an Officer and head recruiter at the Overwatch Xbox community, the Better Academy. We are looking for new players, teams, and orgs to join our growing community for our brand new European League!!! After 4 Seasons of our NA League, weve decided that its a good time to sta
We are looking for:
Players and teams for our next season.
Dallas Vendetta is seeking 4.3k+ for OD 3391
Dallas Vendetta is seeking 4.3k+ for OD
Desktop Computer
Dallas Vendetta
3391 Dallas Vendetta is seeking 4.3k+ for OD 3391
4 Years
We offer:
Reliable Management
Competitive Contracts
Team Merch
The ability to reach your full potential
We are looking for:
Tank (main/off)
Support (main/off/flex)
DPS (hitscan/projectile)
Assistant Coach
Ryzing Gaming e.V. recruit! LoL 98
Ryzing Gaming e.V. recruit! LoL
Desktop Computer
Ryzing Gaming e.V.
We offer:
We are a german Esports Organization!

- Homepage
- Teamspeak
- Official Iphone App
- Official Android App
- Firefox & Thunderbird Clan Banner
- Steam-Groups
- WhatsApp-Groups for each Section
- Discord Groups
- Competitive and Casual Gaming !
- We own 15 Counterstrike : GO Trainings Clan Server!!
We are looking for:
- At least 18 Years old!
- Having fun
- The use of our Teamspeak Server
- No Cheats (VAC Bann etc.)
- Teamplayer
- Accepts criticism
Netherworld [LFP] [NA] [PC] [4.2+]) 3382
Netherworld [LFP] [NA] [PC] [4.2+])
Desktop Computer
Netherworld Esports
3382 Netherworld [LFP] [NA] [PC] [4.2+]) 3382
4 Years
We offer:
We are an organization that works hard to win!

- Coaching on a micro and macro level
- A team and management that is committed to work hard and see success
- Open communication between management and players
- Friendly and caring environment
We are looking for:
We are looking for
- Main Tank
- Off Tank
- Hitscan DPS
- Projectile DPS
- Flex DPS
- Main Healer
- Flex Healer

Scrims are Tuesday and Thursdays 7:00pm CDT
You must be available for both scrims weekly to participate.
V1RAL 3383
Desktop Computer
3383 V1RAL 3383
4 Years
We offer:
Who are we?

We are a Call of Duty: Warzone Regiment known as V1RAL. We are a small group of players who are among the top percentages of the rankings. We strive to be one of the top competitive Regiments in Warzone. We have players from all over the globe, from all different backgrounds, with different commitments. One thing we have in common, is our love for competitive gaming.

What do we play?

We are currently a Call of Duty: Warzone only Regiment, where we regularly compete in tournaments
We are looking for:
Our Requirements:

1.5+ KD

40+ Wins

500+ played games

16+ Years of age

A working microphone
QOK Esports 3387
QOK Esports
Desktop Computer
QOK Esports
3387 QOK Esports 3387
4 Years
We offer:
Pro team will get some money from tournaments
We are looking for:
Pros, semipros
Clan is looking for members! [German] 3164
Clan is looking for members! [German]
Desktop Computer
Evil with Skill GER evil with skill
3164 Clan is looking for members! [German] 3164
4 Years
We offer:
We offer something from the shop for one win per month in Battle Royale.

MINIMUM VALUE: 1,500 V-Bucks

We are looking for:
No matter whether bad or good.
No matter whether young or old.
Regardless of whether you are likeable or not.

We take anyone who passes the entrance exam!

Team Dominus LFP Female only team! 3091
Team Dominus LFP Female only team!
Desktop Computer
Impulse Esports
3091 Team Dominus LFP Female only team! 3091
4 Years
We offer:
- One on one coaching
- Regular scrim/training schedule
- Tournaments
- A healthy enviroment
- Dedicated GM-Level coach
- Dedicated team-manager
- Motivated management
We are looking for:
- Willing to put in the effort to improve.
- Not to be afraid to point out mistakes other people made and mistakes they made themselves or the team as a whole.
- Being cooperative with the coach
- 3k+

We are a bilingual clan (eng, ger)

Azkla Gaming searches for Teammates 3375
Azkla Gaming searches for Teammates
Desktop Computer
Azkla Gaming
3375 Azkla Gaming searches for Teammates 3375
4 Years
We offer:
We are a brand new Team, which wants to play Scrims. All of our Founders got a lot of R6 experience and knowledge. If you want to join our team we will have training sessions together and will also play ranked matches together for the best Team training.
We are looking for:
Available Roles in our Team:
And maybe Roamer / Fragger but this depends on your skill level.

What you have to bring in.
We take Players that are currently minimum in High Silver. But if you arent, dont worry this happens sometimes. You could join the Team and show us your Skill. For your entry in the Team, you dont need to send us a formula. We only want to see how you actually play and feel the game.
Pony Club looking for PS4 UK/EU members 3374
Pony Club looking for PS4 UK/EU members
Playstation 4
Pony Club
3374 Pony Club looking for PS4 UK/EU members 3374
4 Years
We offer:
Group ups, scrims, coaching and community
We are looking for:
UK and EU PS4 players who want to play in a team and improve.
Desktop Computer
R4ID - eSports
4 Years
We offer:
a Discord Server
a Teamspeak Server
a friendly atmosphere within the clan
competence and comprehensible callouts
regular participation in DeSBL/ESL games
smaller clan-internal tournaments
an own professional website
We are looking for:
Competitive Player (at least 16 years old)
Player with working microphone
good callouts
regular activity
Reliability, discipline and ambition
Team player
Players with gaming experience
Players from Platin II
Ventury eSports is looking for members 3351
Ventury eSports is looking for members
Desktop Computer
Ventury eSports | VENT
3351 Ventury eSports is looking for members 3351
4 Years
We offer:
a structured discord
a helpful and competent team
3 different teams, for different "skill groups"
We are looking for:
active, nice, ambitious and friendly members
strong players as well as new players
Players who represent us in tournaments
Activity on Discord, as well as in Fortnite
Players from 12 years of age
vicious&evil search Full Team! 3357
vicious&evil search Full Team!
Desktop Computer
3357 vicious&evil search Full Team! 3357
4 Years
We offer:
- Premium Accounts
- Contracts
- Welcome Goody Paket
- Bonus
- Clanwear
- professional Organization
We are looking for:
- Mind. Platin Rank
- Active in Leagues and Cups
- motivated
- professional behavior
Frontline Immortals 3356
Frontline Immortals
Desktop Computer
Fortline Immortals
3356 Frontline Immortals 3356
4 Years
We offer:
FLI is an e-sports organization, that revolves around valorant and league of legends. We are looking for players that arent quite at the pro level yet are looking to improve their skillset, if you are a virtual athlete looking for a friendly community that strives for success, You will have to attend scheduled training to work and improve. Please message us below. FLI is the team for you!

We are looking for:
FLI is an e-sports organization, that revolves around valorant and league of legends. We are looking for players that arent quite at the pro level yet are looking to improve their skillset, if you are a virtual athlete looking for a friendly community that strives for success, You will have to attend scheduled training to work and improve. Please message us below. FLI is the team for you!

Roboto E-Sports searches for Pro Players! 3216
Roboto E-Sports searches for Pro Players!
Desktop Computer
3216 Roboto E-Sports searches for Pro Players! 3216
4 Years
We offer:
- An active & competent clan team
- A well-structured Discord server
- Many friendly clan members
- Prize money tournaments
- Internal clan events
- Foundation of competitive squads
- Active members
- Opportunities for internal advancement
- Internal scrims
- Direct connection
We are looking for:
- activity
- Loyalty & cohesion
- Respectful treatment
- Understanding of humor
- Competitive & casual players
- Age: from 13 years
HaZe eSport Clan 3327
HaZe eSport Clan
Desktop Computer
3327 HaZe eSport Clan 3327
4 Years
We offer:
We are a big Community with 500 people on our Discord Server and we are all friendly.
We are looking for:
We are looking for League Player.
They should be in Gold 3 or higer in Solo/Duo or Flex and should have Discord.
Zate Clan is recruiting! 3321
Zate Clan is recruiting!
Desktop Computer
Zate Clan esport proteam cs:go
3321 Zate Clan is recruiting! 3321
4 Years
We offer:
- Discord Server
- Game Server
- Website with Member Area
- CS:GO Database
We are looking for:
Players of any skill level!

If interested visit:
Looking for High Dia / Master+ 3329
Looking for High Dia / Master+
Desktop Computer
3329 Looking for High Dia / Master+ 3329
4 Years
We offer:
We are a new and upcoming gaming Org, we are giving you all you need to compete at the level you can, we are in the process of looking for a Coach as well as a Teammanager. - Check our Webpage out:

Weekly Tournaments, clear training structure, Website exposure, Scrims, a Teammanager (In the process) and a coach (in the process).
We are looking for:
We are looking for High Dia / Masters+ Players that want to join our Team, we aim for the Prime League and want to compete in high divisions with the clear Target of EU Masters, be ready to train hard and go hard in the next prime league Season 2021. We want you guys to train early enough so you can Synergies perfectly and hit high tier Prime Divisons.

You need to be able to speak: German and English.

We need atleast 3 Players to have their resident in a DACH country.
Games&Chills wants you! 3313
Games&Chills wants you!
Desktop Computer
3313 Games&Chills wants you! 3313
4 Years
We offer:
We are a friendly community that plays almost every day and always have an eye out for ppl who wanna join our clan (preferably from US or EU for latency reasons)
For now we focus on COD warzone and Multiplayer but well be playing other games (maybe ark and wow) soon, too. Add me on Discord if ur interested under
We are looking for:
Rules of the Server:
-Stay polite - Were all grown ups
-Dont rage! - Whatever youre playing, its just a game
-No politics. This isnt the place for ANY of that!
-No religion. This isnt the place for ANY of that!
-PC only!
-Fluent English is mandatory. Theres no Point in Comms if you dont understand each other
-We do NOT tolerate any form of Cheating. Cheaters will be banned instantly
-Most importantly, have fun!
Honey Money is searching Player from GER 3343
Honey Money is searching Player from GER
Desktop Computer
Honey Money eSports
3343 Honey Money is searching Player from GER 3343
4 Years
We offer:
Honey Money ist eine professionelle eSports Organisation, welche in Ligen und Turnieren vertreten sein wird.
We are looking for:
Wir suchen Spieler die Champ oder GC+ spielen.
Fallout 76 Community looks for Members 3307
Fallout 76 Community looks for Members
Desktop Computer
Brotherhood 76
3307 Fallout 76 Community looks for Members 3307
4 Years
We offer:
We have exclusiv Guides/help and a frindly and active Community.
We are looking for:
Be frindly and respectiv to other Members and have fun at Fallout 76
Fallen Angels 3306
Fallen Angels
Desktop Computer
Fallen Angels
3306 Fallen Angels 3306
4 Years
We offer:
We offer the freedom to do whatever you want and have fun doing it. We play competitive and casual.
We are looking for:
People who love to have fun and people that love to play competitive.
 Revolution Rising search Player & Teams 2727
Revolution Rising search Player & Teams
Desktop Computer
Revolution Rising
2727  Revolution Rising search Player & Teams 2727
4 Years
We offer:
Teamspeak with plugins & tools
Success-oriented project
permanent Contacts of Managers for every Gaming Area
Intern Praccs with our Teams
Professionell & League Teams
Professionelle EPS Gameserver for our Teams
a lots of nice funny People in a Community
Streamer have own Area
proffesionell Website and Cupsite
family environment
and much more ...
We are looking for:
Solo-Queue playing alone its shit! Come and join us!
You searching a Team?
Our Team search a perfect Organisation?
You search a funny Community?
You want a Job by Revolution Rising? No Problem!
You have fun to play and your age is over 16 and u dont have a ban? JOIN US! :)
Team Poison is looking for new members 3302
Team Poison is looking for new members
Desktop Computer
Team Poison
3302 Team Poison is looking for new members 3302
4 Years
We offer:
A beautiful and also structured discord

Competent and fun members

Mental maturity

Relaxed gaming experience with a will to win
We are looking for:
from the age of 16 (exceptions possible)

ACTIVE and Loyal players

Player with Discord

players with fun, motivation & respect
DieTurboDullis - RL Community! 2941
DieTurboDullis - RL Community!
Desktop Computer
2941 DieTurboDullis - RL Community! 2941
4 Years
We offer:
We are a small Rocket League community that is always trying to grow to find the right team for every player.

On our Discord Server you have the possibility to find the right mates to play with.
You can also promote your own RL tournaments and leagues. Every User on our Discord server can see your advertisement and might contact you for a spot.

We offer among other things our own Discord Server with the latest Rocket League news, text and voice channels to communicate and play together.
We are looking for:
Everything we expect is written in the rules on our discord server.
But the most important thing is that you should behave respectfully in the community, but without losing the fun.
GeS is looking for german members 3280
GeS is looking for german members
Desktop Computer
Global Elite Squad
3280 GeS is looking for german members 3280
4 Years
We offer:
- An own discord server
- Good communication (callouts, no toxic players)
- MMR improvement
- 14 days trial period
We are looking for:
Players that have/are
- 16 y/o (exceptions possible)
- Gold 2 or higher (exceptions possible)
- Gamesense and Mapknowledge (callouts)
- Not toxic
Bellum Klan recruit 3236
Bellum Klan recruit
Desktop Computer
3236 Bellum Klan recruit 3236
4 Years
We offer:
good player, good clan
We are looking for:
we search for 16+ people and most serious.
Cybertooth- We search YOU! 3239
Cybertooth- We search YOU!
Desktop Computer
3239 Cybertooth- We search YOU! 3239
4 Years
We offer:
Nice atmosphere
Capable Clan Council
Clear Discord Server
Clear rules
Team members shape the clan
Active support.

Our Rainbow Six Siege Teams:

1. Sapphire | ESL Aktiv | Plat+|

2. Ruby | ESL Aktiv | Plat |

3. Quartz | ESL Aktiv |Gold/Plat |

4. Zirkon | ESL Aktiv | Gold/Plat |

5. Ametyhst | Silber
We are looking for:
We are looking for:
Stratsable members
Team-ready members
Mature members
Active members
From High Silver to High Plat
Minimum age 18+
Players for other games genre
Players who aim for ESL ( GO4, DEBSL, Tuniere, Scrimms)

Desktop Computer
3227 SÐU - SPΛϾΞ ŦOR ЏOU. 3227
4 Years
We offer:
SpecialDutyUnit - space for you!

SpecialDutyUnit, founded in 2017, is an organization
that has primarily focused on the competitive scene of esports. In addition to esports, we have a steadily growing community, which has around 90 members and users.

organized TeamSpeak server
sophisticated management
tolerant and friendly members
professional ESL teams
Internal events such as tournaments
Projects & sponsors
We are looking for:
mental maturity
social behavior towards comrades
Ambition in competition
Critical ability
Cohesion and passion

We are also constantly looking for new projects (e.g. teams in other games). Do you dare to lead a squad? Get it contact with us!
Team Evan search competent players 3153
Team Evan search competent players
Desktop Computer
3153 Team Evan search competent players 3153
4 Years
We offer:
We offer a competent and efficient management. We organize external and internal tournaments with prize money, but also without. We have a very complex system, you can learn more about it in the Discord. Our mission is to get the best out of you and build a strong team.
But we cant do it alone, so we need you. Apply now and build a strong and competent team with us.

We also play Clanwars.
We are looking for:

- 2x Top 500 Placements (One can talk about an exception).
- Brainplay
- Ergebnis (optional)
- Mastery of English
- Active participation in tournaments as well as clan trainings
- Mininum age of 14
- Good mechanics
Desktop Computer
3075 TEAM 18K GERMAN ONLY 3075
4 Years
We offer:
We offer a structured and organized Discord Server with competent leaders and supporters who are available to you around the clock for questions or solutions.
People to gamble for all game modes & creative
We are looking for:
E-Sports Team
Is regulated internally by the pro team
Players who are at least 13 years old.
Players with team skills, critical faculties and motivation
Players with experience in comp. scene
Very good rankings
Approx. 6k arena points (see how many points came through hype nite)

"Professional team"
Approx. 4k arena points
Activate a tournament position
Good placements
good mechanics and sense of play

There is still the casual team but there is not enough space
Team Rize - Competitive Players  3072
Team Rize - Competitive Players
Desktop Computer
Team Rize
3072 Team Rize - Competitive Players  3072
4 Years
We offer:

A well structured Discord server
Many friendly members
Reach for content creator
Prize money tournaments
Clan events
Competitive players

You can find more information on several features on our Discord!
We are looking for:

Players at a high level
Friendly and competent people
Looking For YOU! 3222
Looking For YOU!
Desktop Computer
Salad Clan
3222 Looking For YOU! 3222
4 Years
We offer:
We offer Fortnite Fun, join our clan. Have fun. Play pubs & Arena & Creative and grow with us. You want to join a Clan to have Teammates to play with and have fun with and grow with. JOIN US! IF NA-east player or EU Player.
We are looking for:
Someone non-toxic. Someone willing to have fun & grow with us. No matter which Platform.
Avority searches for Valorant Pros.. 3179
Avority searches for Valorant Pros..
Desktop Computer
3179 Avority searches for Valorant Pros.. 3179
4 Years
We offer:

An active & competent clan team
A well-structured Discord server
Many friendly clan members
Prize money tournaments
Internal clan events
Foundation of competitive squads & duo teams
Active members
Opportunities for internal advancement
Internal scrims
Direct connection
We are looking for:
Loyalty & cohesion
Respectful treatment
Understanding of humor
Age: from 14 years
Competitive & casual players
Afk_clan searches members 3198
Afk_clan searches members
Playstation 4
3198 Afk_clan searches members 3198
4 Years
We offer:
We are funny and entertaining and very good players
We are looking for:
Any type of Platform
Minimum 10 years old
30er gamingaustria Agents wanted! 3197
30er gamingaustria Agents wanted!
Desktop Computer
30er Gaming Community multigaming discord relaxed
3197 30er gamingaustria Agents wanted! 3197
4 Years
We offer:
a cosy family environment without stress
DISCORD server with sufficient space
Info about game news
Raids an Legendary
Pro homepage
mature community ( 30 years) AUT/DE/CH
We are looking for:
Playmates aged 25+ years (or their behaviour matches)
Members who have fun playing the game and dont take everything too seriously
Mates who have DISCORD and a good mic
No cheaters
Some activity in the discord and community interest would be nice!
LoL Team Searching for Support 3194
LoL Team Searching for Support
Desktop Computer
3194 LoL Team Searching for Support 3194
4 Years
We offer:
-Div 2 Team PrimeLeague
-Tryharding to Climb in PrimeLeague
We are looking for:
Looking for D2+ support
SIZE E-Sports is looking for mates! 3045
SIZE E-Sports is looking for mates!
Desktop Computer
SIZE E-Sports
3045 SIZE E-Sports is looking for mates! 3045
4 Years
We offer:
Your own TeamSpeak
An experienced and competent team
Daily training times
A nice team
Game knowledge
We are looking for:
A minimum age of 15 years
A minimum playing time of 500 hours
Mid. Gold 2
Map knowledge
Little rage
Enjoy the game
Time for training times and ranked games
ITW 2942
Desktop Computer
Into The Wild
2942 ITW 2942
4 Years
We offer:
Gaming schedule: Evenings Mo-Fr, weekend also midday & evenings possible

Current Role Setup:
-IGL & Awper, 16 years of CS 1.6 and CS Go experience
-Rifler (Entry or Support), 8 years CS:S & CS Go experience
-Rifler , 8 years CS:S & CS Go experience

We offer:
-Progression orientated space to develop as a team
-Kind and respectful communication
-Teamspeak 3 Server

We are looking for:
-21 years or older
-More than 3 years cs go experience
-Profound communication skills
oRespectful and positive
oAsking for support
oFeedback giving and taking ability
-Willing to learn and progress
-English speaking, german language is a plus, not necessary
-Ambition to play online and offline tournaments

Rank specifics:
MM: Supreme to Global
Faceit: LvL 7+

Gaming schedule: Evenings Mo-Fr, weekend also midday & evenings possible
Seismic is looking for Members 1961
Seismic is looking for Members
Desktop Computer
1961 Seismic is looking for Members 1961
5 Years
We offer:
We are an active community of gamers spread across a wide array of games (in this case Overwatch). We offer:

- a fully organized game division
- weekly events within the community
- community LFG
- NA and EU members
We are looking for:
We are looking for people who are:

- friendly & polite
- mature (18+)
- not overly competitive oriented
- inhabiting common sense

Team activity