Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege LFG

iThiarr Last online: 16 Nov 2020 To the Profile


Play time:

Online everyday after and before work

Gold 3/Female player /looking for a team

About me

I'm 26 yo, brazilian and looking for a non toxic team that accept girls, im Gold 3 and i started playing this game in may.

I'm looking for:

I'm looking for a team that are not toxic,have some respect and accept girls, I'm 26, from brazil but i can speak english very well. I have been playing this game since MAY this year, i am currently gold 3 and i'm still learning. I am a fast learner and I am also willing to learn more about the game. I'm a very friendly :D


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UPlay: iThiarr
RB6 Player, Mates