Counterstrike GO LFG

Phent1x Last online: 31 Dez 2020 To the Profile


Play time:

I can play all day and night long

3000 hours rifler/awper

About me

I have over 3000 hours in csgo,
I am looking for an german/english Csgo team to play in tournaments etc.
I am 19 years old and have 10 hours time every day to play and practice.
I Never Played in a csgo esports team before
I was global 1 year ago and lvl 8 on faceit, but I had a long time where i could’nt play! So i definitly have good knowledge and gamesense.
Cheers André

I'm looking for:

Looking for an german/english Team to play in tournaments etc
Got 10 hours Every day to pratice and Play Csgo !


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CS:GO Player, Mates