Into The Wild


Team Rank 1

Team info

We offer:

Gaming schedule: Evenings Mo-Fr, weekend also midday & evenings possible

Current Role Setup:
- IGL & Awper, 16 years of CS 1.6 and CS Go experience
- Rifler (Entry or Support), 8 years CS:S & CS Go experience
- Rifler , 8 years CS:S & CS Go experience

We offer:
- Progression orientated space to develop as a team
- Kind and respectful communication
- Teamspeak 3 Server

We are looking for:

- 21 years or older
- More than 3 years cs go experience
- Teamexperience
- Profound communication skills
o Respectful and positive
o Informations
o Asking for support
o Feedback giving and taking ability
- Willing to learn and progress
- English speaking, german language is a plus, not necessary
- Ambition to play online and offline tournaments

Rank specifics:
MM: Supreme to Global
Faceit: LvL 7+

Gaming schedule: Evenings Mo-Fr, weekend also midday & evenings possible


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